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Updated by admin on 02/05/18 10:33
Noiz<br>Athens, Greece
78, Konstantinoupoleos Athens, Greece 10435

A popular venue, mostly targeted to gay women, but, very popular to gay men as well. Great vibes, great drinks and excellent decoration.

Internet: Website
Open: Wed-Mon from 23.30h
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Updated by admin on 02/05/18 10:44
Shamone<br>Athens, Greece
46, Konstantinoupoleos Athens, Greece 11854

An all age, gay friendly club. Lots of happenings and live shows.

Contact: E-Mail
Internet: Website
Open: Fri 22-6h, Sat 23-6h
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Updated by admin on 02/05/18 10:48
Sodade 2<br>Athens, Greece
10, Triptolemou Athens, Greece 11854

A two stage club with mainstream und underground music. Younger crowd. One of the most popular places in Athens.

Contact: E-Mail
Internet: Website
Open: daily from 23h, Sun from 20h
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