Auflistung 1064 aus 1607

Last Call
San Francisco, USA

update von sfo am 21/02/12 00:00
in Bars & Pubs  


A cozy, friendly neighborhood bar. Lots of smiling faces and conversation make it an "Irish Pub" type of atmosphere. Eclectic, mixed clientele. A wonderful place to check out when the noise and bustle of the Castro is just a little too much for you. Happy Hour 12pm to 7pm everyday.


  • B [Bar]
  • GM [Gay Men]
Fon: +1 4158611310
Kontakt: E-Mail
Internet: Website
Öffnungszeiten: noon - 2am


3988 18th St San Francisco, USA 94114
Nach:  3988 18th St San Francisco, USA 94114

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