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Brussels, Belgien

update von bru_exaequo am 09/09/07 00:00


Ex Aequo is a non-profit-making association promoting health to decrease the incidence of new HIV/AIDS infections and Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI). It is dedicated to men who have sexual relationships with men. Since its creation, Ex Aequo has been aiming at creating an association between prevention and reflection about the sexual identity and social vulnerability of homosexuals. Ex Aequo is for men who define themselves as homosexuals, for bisexuals and for men who have sexual relationships with other men; however they want to define themselves. Young people, and especially those with problems finding their sexual identity, make up the target group to whom Ex Aequo pays particular attention. Our team answers questions from our target audience as well as from their relatives or anyone else requesting such information. Our aim is to advise and guide people.


  • GM [Gay Men]
Fon: +32 27362861
Kontakt: E-Mail
Internet: Website


20, Rue des Grand Carmes Brussels, Belgien 1000
Nach:  20, Rue des Grand Carmes Brussels, Belgien 1000

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