Auflistung 1144 aus 1618

Cordella Restaurant
Tel Aviv, Israel

update von tlv_dinitz am 21/09/07 00:00
in Essen  


In the charming alleys of Old Jaffa, west to the flea market east of the ancient port of Jaffa, sitting a complex consisting of restaurant Cordelia, Noa Bistro, the Jaffa bar, patisserie Napoleon, owned and conducted by famous Chef Nir Zook.


  • CC [Credit Cards Accepted]
  • GF [Gay Friendly]
  • GMW [Gay Men & Women]
  • M [Meals available]
  • S [Snacks available]
  • WA [Wheelchair accessible]
Fon: +972 35184668
Internet: Website


Yeffet 30, Jaffa Tel Aviv, Israel
Nach:  Yeffet 30, Jaffa Tel Aviv, Israel

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