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The House Hostel
Zagreb, Kroatien

update von am 26/08/12 18:47


Our motto is My House… Your House… Everybody’s House… so we want you to feel at home. We will take care of that – all you have to do is to come.

Newly furnished rooms and bedrooms with comfortable mattresses will recharge you with energy for new adventures and fun, all at reasonable prices. For socializing and fun, you have at your disposal a large common room with a plasma TV, an Internet corner, a large terrace and garden, a dining room and kitchen, and a room with a pool table and other games. For personal hygiene, we have four well-equipped bathrooms.



  • 24 [daily open/service 24hrs]
  • A [Accommodation]
  • CC [Credit Cards Accepted]
  • GF [Gay Friendly]
  • T [Terrace/Outdoor Facilities]
Fon: + 385 1 6181 554
Kontakt: E-Mail


Peljeska ulica 5 Zagreb, Kroatien 10000
Nach:  Peljeska ulica 5 Zagreb, Kroatien 10000

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