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The Corridors & Bibliotheque

update von Sebastian Muster am 30/03/24 17:25
in Museum  


Julius II an his architect Donato Bramante had the idea to connect the buildings in the North of St. Peter’s, adding two longitudinal wings around a magnificent courtyard - Hall of Ligorio on the West and Corridor of Bramante to the East.

The Biblioteca Apostolica was founded in 1451 and permantly enlarged thereafter. Sixtus V built the wing to the Belvedere Courtyard including the large reading hall.
With 50.000 manuscripts, 7.000 incunabula, thousands of prints and more than one million books it is one of the most significant libraries in the world.

At the North end of that impressive and huge building you will find the entrance to the Vatican Museums.

See more on our fully downloadable Friends The Gaymap, edition Vatican City


Nach:  Vatican

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