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Updated by nyc_avp on 07/13/08 00:00
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A.V.P. - Anti-Violence Project<br>New York City, United States
16 Nassau St, 3rd floor New York City, United States 10005

A.V.P. is the crime victim assistance agency for the lesbian, gay transgender and HIV/AIDS communities in New York City.

Contact: E-Mail
Internet: Website
Open: Hotline 24/7, walk-ins Mon-Fri 10am-3pm
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Updated by admin on 12/14/16 10:38
in  Associations   Help  
ADHARA<br>Sevilla, Spain
C. Pagés del Corro, 89-91, local 3 Sevilla, Spain

Help with HIV and other STDs.

Open: Mon+Thu 10-14h + 17-20h, Fri 10-14h
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Updated by ber_aha on 01/09/18 19:24
AHA-Berlin e.V.<br>Berlin, Germany
Monumentenstrasse 13 Berlin, Germany 10829
Queer organisation that's running 100% by volunteers. Offers a lot of events like drag shows, poetry slam, English comedy, gaming night and e.g. tasty cake at the Sonntagscafé each sunday (starting 3pm). Open for everyone and very welcoming....
Contact: E-Mail
Internet: Website
Open: Nur zu Veranstaltungen, jeden Di ab 19 Uhr, So. ab 15 Uhr, schau auf www.aha-berlin.de/termine
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Updated by ruhr on 09/09/09 00:00
in  Associations  
AIDS-Hilfe Duisburg / Kreis Wesel e.V.<br>Duisburg, Germany
Bismarckstr. 67 Duisburg, Germany 47057

 Information zu HIV/AIDS u. a. STI's; Beratung; Begleitung von Menschen mit HIV und ihren Angehörigen, Mi 15-18h: offenes Café

Contact: E-Mail
Internet: Website
Open: Mo 9-14 Uhr, Di 9-14 Uhr, Mi 9-17 Uhr, Do 9-17 Uhr, Fr 9-14 Uhr
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Updated by ham_aids on 01/09/18 19:28
in  Associations   Help  
AIDS-Hilfe Hamburg<br>Hamburg, Germany
Lange Reihe 30-32 Hamburg, Germany 20099

Information, Beratung, Begleitung, Gruppenangebote. Treffs für Menschen mit HIV und AIDS.

Contact: E-Mail
Internet: Website
Open: Mo-Fr 10-19h
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Updated by ruhr on 09/09/09 00:00
in  Help   Associations  
Große Beckstr. 12 Bochum, Germany 44787
Contact: E-Mail
Internet: Website
Open: Beratung Di-Fr 10-13h, Do 16-20h
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Updated by dus_ah on 09/22/07 00:00
in  Associations   Help  
Aidshilfe Düsseldorf e.V. / Checkpoint Düsseldorf<br>Duesseldorf, Germany
Johannes-Weyer-Str. 1 Duesseldorf, Germany 40225
Contact: E-Mail
Internet: Website
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Updated by koe_aids on 03/20/19 11:37
in  Associations   Help  
Aidshilfe Köln e. V.<br>Cologne, Germany
Pipinstr. 7 Cologne, Germany 50667

Information, Beratung, Selbsthilfegruppen, Pflege, Betreuung, Ehrenamtliche Mitarbeit, Aufklärung und Prävention, Arbeit + Beschäftigung. Café.

Contact: E-Mail
Internet: Website
Open: 9-17h
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Updated by admin on 01/20/18 09:53
in  Associations   Help  
Kolenmarkt 33 rue du marché au charbon Brussels, Belgium 1000

Service provider about health and social for male and trans sex workers in Brussels

Social and administration help, medical permanence, various activities, Internet permanence, etc...

Contact: E-Mail
Internet: Website
Open: Tuesday : 10h-21h Wednesday/Thursday/Friday : 10h-17h
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Updated by Torremolinos on 05/23/19 13:03
in  Associations   Help  
Apoyo Positivo<br>Torremolinos, Spain
C/ Marina Barrabino, C/o La Casa Torremolinos, Spain 29620

 Free HIV tests, inof and more

Internet: Website
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Updated by admin on 12/14/16 10:46
in  Associations  
Associacion Defrente LGBT<br>Sevilla, Spain
C. Comunidad Extrmeña, 11 Sevilla, Spain
Contact: E-Mail
Internet: Website
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Updated by admin on 01/29/19 12:25
Barcelona LGBTI Center<br>Barcelona, Spain
Comte Borrell, 22 Barcelona, Spain 08015

 Barcelona LGBTI Centre occupies municipal premises with a total area of 1.200+ sqm, providing information, advisory and assistance on sexual and gender diversity for the LGBTI community and all others

Contact: E-Mail
Internet: Website
Open: Mon-Fri 10-21h
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Updated by admin on 05/02/15 10:23
in  Community   Associations   Help  
Comte Borell 164-166 Barcelona, Spain 08015

 HIV and STD tests for gay men. Free anonymous and confidential service. Results in less than 30 minutes. Call for appointment.

Contact: E-Mail
Internet: Website
Open: Must make appointment first: Mon-Fri 10.30-14.30 + 16-20h
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Updated by dk_blus on 10/31/08 00:00
in  Associations  
BLUS<br>Copenhagen, Denmark
Kobmagergade 52 Copenhagen, Denmark 1150

Copenhagen LGBTQ student organization. Bar open Tuesdays 19-24h during school months. See website for other events.

Contact: E-Mail
Internet: Website
Open: Bar open Tuesdays 19-24h (during school months)
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Updated by Checkpoint on 08/17/10 00:00
in  Help   Community   Associations  
Checkpoint Nürnberg<br>Nuernberg, Germany
Entengasse 2 Nuernberg, Germany 90402

Beratung und Tests zu HIV, Syphilis, Tripper, Chlamydien, Hepatitis C sowie PrEP-Check.

Testing HIV and other STDs. PrEP Check.

Contact: E-Mail
Internet: Website
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Updated by cph_pride on 09/29/07 00:00
in  Associations  
Copenhagen Pride<br>Copenhagen, Denmark
Copenhagen, Denmark

Organizing committee behind gay pride in Copenhagen.

Contact: E-Mail
Internet: Website
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Updated by Ricardo on 11/04/10 00:00
in  Associations  
CRISMHOM<br>Madrid, Spain
BARBIERI, 18 Madrid, Spain 28004
CHRISTIAN GLBT ASSOCIATION La comunidad de cristianas y cristianos de Madrid homosexuales, Crismhom, es una asociación LGTB cristiana creada en junio de 2006, con sede en Madrid, y miembro de la FELGTB, Federación Estatal de Lesbianas,...
Contact: E-Mail
Internet: Website
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Updated by ber_deutsche on 01/09/18 19:24
in  Associations   Help  
Deutsche Aids-Hilfe e.V.<br>Berlin, Germany
Wilhelmstr. 138 Berlin, Germany 10963

Infos, Publikation und Hilfe zum Thema AIDS.

Contact: E-Mail
Internet: Website
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Updated by ber_ewa on 01/09/18 19:24
Prenzlauer Allee 6 Berlin, Germany 10405
Contact: E-Mail
Internet: Website
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Updated by fra_flc on 09/13/07 00:00
in  Associations  
Postfach 10 33 42 Frankfurt, Germany 60103


Contact: E-Mail
Internet: Website
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Updated by admin on 12/14/16 10:52
in  Associations   Help  
Fundación Triángula Andalusia <br>Sevilla, Spain
C. Yuste, 9 Sevilla, Spain

 LGBT Association

Contact: E-Mail
Internet: Website
Open: Mon+Thu +Fri 10-13.30h
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Updated by han_ah on 09/24/07 00:00
in  Help   Associations  
Hannöversche AIDS-Hilfe<br>Hannover, Germany
Lange Laube 14 Hannover, Germany 30159

Wir beantworten gerne Fragen zu den Übertragungswegen von HIV/AIDS und anderen sexuell übertragbaren Krankheiten, zum HIV-Test, zum Leben mit HIV u.v.m.: 0511/19411 (Mo 10-12, Di & Mi 10-16, Do 12-16 Uhr)

Contact: E-Mail
Internet: Website
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Updated by han_huk on 09/24/07 00:00
in  Associations  
Homosexuelle u. Kirche HuK<br>Hannover, Germany
Schuhstr. 4 Hannover, Germany 30159
Contact: E-Mail
Internet: Website
Open: Do 15-19h
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Updated by Markus on 08/01/08 00:00
in  Associations  
HOSI Tirol<br>Innsbruck, Austria
Meinhardstrasse 16 Innsbruck, Austria 6020
Wir, die HOSI-TIROL, sind ein gemeinnütziger Verein und verstehen uns als Anlaufstelle und Kommunikations zentrum für homo- und bisexuell l(i)ebende Menschen sowie für deren Familienangehörige, Freunde, Bekannte und Interessierte...
Contact: E-Mail
Internet: Website
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Updated by dus_huk on 09/22/07 00:00
in  Associations  
Huk e.V. Regionalgruppe Düsseldorf<br>Duesseldorf, Germany
Florastr. 55b c/o Ev. Friedenskirchengemeinde Duesseldorf, Germany 40215

Homosexelle u. Kirche. Gesprächskreis jeden 2. Sa im Monat ab 15 Uhr.

Contact: E-Mail
Internet: Website
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Updated by str_ihs on 09/25/07 00:00
in  Associations   Help  
Initiativgruppe Homosexualität Stuttgart e.V. (ihs)<br>Stuttgart, Germany
Weissenburgstr. 28 a Stuttgart, Germany 70180

Jugendarbeit, Beratung und Bildung, Veranstaltungen, Rosa Telefon, Stammtisch

Contact: E-Mail
Internet: Website
Open: 19-21h
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Updated by admin on 12/14/16 10:59
in  Associations   Help   Services  
Isthar Singles<br>Sevilla, Spain
C. Canalejas, 22- 2°B Sevilla, Spain

Consejero Matrimonial - marriage counselor

Contact: E-Mail
Internet: Website
Open: Mon-Fri 10-13.30h + 16.30-21h
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Updated by dus_kg on 09/22/07 00:00
in  Associations  
KG Regenbogen e.V.<br>Duesseldorf, Germany
Kreitenstr. 33 Duesseldorf, Germany 40033
Contact: E-Mail
Internet: Website
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Updated by cph_panbladet on 09/29/07 00:00
in  Associations  
LBL<br>Copenhagen, Denmark
Nygade 7, 2 Copenhagen, Denmark 1164

Danish National Association of Gays and Lesbians.

Contact: E-Mail
Internet: Website
Open: Mon 9-18h, Thu 15-18h
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Updated by str_lc on 09/25/07 00:00
in  Associations  
LC Stuttgart e.V.<br>Stuttgart, Germany
Weissenburgstr. 28 a Stuttgart, Germany 70190

leather and fetish club Stuttgart. You can find hints concerning our events on the website Leder und Fetisch Club Stuttgart.

Hinweise auf unsere Veranstaltungen findet Ihr auf der Website

Contact: E-Mail
Internet: Website
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Updated by admin on 02/22/13 17:29
in  Associations  
Leather Club Roma - LCR<br>Rome, Italy
Rome, Italy
Contact: E-Mail
Internet: Website
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Updated by han_leguan on 09/24/07 00:00
in  Associations  
Leguan Hannover - Leder und Fetisch e.V.<br>Hannover, Germany
Box 3841 Hannover, Germany 30038

Schwule Männer mit Lust auf Leder, Gummi, Uniform und andere Fetische: Gleichgesinnte treffen, gemeinsame Interessen pflegen, gemeinsame Unternehmungen und vieles mehr

Contact: E-Mail
Internet: Website
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Updated by ber_lesben on 01/09/18 19:24
in  Associations   Help  
Lesbenberatung e.V. / LesMigraS<br>Berlin, Germany
Kulmer Str. 20 a Berlin, Germany 10783

Information und offener Treff; Antidiskriminierungsangebote; Psychosoziale Beratung; Jung LesbenTrans* Treff;

Contact: E-Mail
Internet: Website
Open: Mo 14:00-17:00, Di 10:00-16:00, Do 15:00-18:00, Mi 14:00-17:00; Fr 14:00-17:00
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Updated by muc_letra on 09/18/07 00:00
in  Associations   Help  
Angertorstr. 3 Munich, Germany 80469

counselling, information, coming-out-groups, events,... Beratung, Information, Coming-Out-Gruppen, Selbsthilfegruppen, Veranstaltungen, Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Lesbisches Angertorstraßenfest

Contact: E-Mail
Internet: Website
Open: Telefonzeiten: Di 10.30-13h, Mo+Mi 14:30-17h
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Updated by man_lug on 09/18/07 00:00
in  Associations  
LUGMAN e.V.<br>Mannheim, Germany
Postfach 10 21 17 Mannheim, Germany 68021

Leder-Uniform-Gummi und mehr...

Contact: E-Mail
Internet: Website
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Updated by admin on 02/22/13 17:12
in  Associations  
Mario Mieli<br>Rome, Italy
Via Efeso, 2a Rome, Italy 00146

Circolo di cultura omosessuale

Contact: E-Mail
Internet: Website
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Updated by NAMENproject Nederland on 04/17/18 13:16
in  Associations   Tourist Info  
Maspalomas AIDS Memorial<br>Playa del Ingles, Spain
Av. Estados Unidos, 54, Yumbo Centrum Playa del Ingles, Spain 35100
The Maspalomas AIDS Memorial is part of the 'Plaza de la Diversidad Daría Jaén Rivero', the central space of the Yumbo Centrum. The memorial consists of a Red Ribbon made of broken red tiles placed in the concrete resting area amidst a...
Contact: E-Mail
Internet: Website
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Updated by ruhr on 09/04/09 00:00
in  Associations  
MSC Rote Erde<br>Dortmund, Germany
Kaiserstr. 129 a Dortmund, Germany 44145

Leder- und Fetish Club.

Contact: E-Mail
Internet: Website
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Updated by nbg_rosa on 09/20/07 00:00
in  Associations  
NLC Nürnberger Lederclub e.V.<br>Nuernberg, Germany
Schnieglinger Str 264 (Eingang ums Eck) Nuernberg, Germany 90016
Contact: E-Mail
Internet: Website
Open: 1. saturday in month
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Updated by panteresgrogues on 08/27/14 16:37
in  Associations  
Panteres Grogues, Barcelona LGTB Sport Club<br>Barcelona, Spain
C/ Diputacion, 163, Diputacio, 163 Barcelona, Spain 08011
Panteres Grogues is a non-profit organization that aims to provide a place where gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transexuals to develop a sports activity freely and relaxed. However the association is open to anyone who wants to participate in sport...
Contact: E-Mail
Internet: Website
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Updated by admin on 07/22/15 11:19
in  Associations   Help  
Max-Joseph-Str. 1 Mannheim, Germany 68169

Psychologische Lesben- und Schwulenberatung 

Contact: E-Mail
Internet: Website
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