Recommended by Friends!
Updated by Phoenixsaunen on 09/15/07 00:00
Richard-Wagner-Str. 12 Cologne, Germany 50674
Popular, clean and cruisy! Beautiful terrace. Offering medical massages by Centro Delfino and sensual massages by Bodyworker. Daily night sauna. Moderne Sauna; sauber, sehr gut besucht, mit grosser Terrasse. Riesiges Dampfbad/huge steam bath,...
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Recommended by Friends!
Updated by koe_ex on 07/19/10 00:00
Schaafenstr. 61 A Cologne, Germany 50676
Nice Bar/Lounge in the middle of Cologne‘s Schaafenstrasse. Thu: Bingo, Fri+Sat Party with DJs and Charts-/Mainstream-Beats. Bar/Lounge im Zentrum der Kölner Schaafenstrasse. Angenehme Atmosphäre sowie ein sympathisches und...
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Recommended by Friends!
Updated by admin on 02/24/14 15:41
Schaafenstr. 49 Cologne, Germany 50676
GREAT IDEA: Leave your stuff save/secure at Zentralgarderobe while strolling through all locations within the Cologne Bermuda Triangle. Snacks and drinks available. GENIAL: In der Zentralgarderobe könnt Ihr Eure Klamotten während...
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Updated by koe_checkpoint on 05/21/24 19:37
Pipinstr. 7, 1. Etage/ 1st Floor Cologne, Germany 50667
Anonymous HIV and/or syphillis quick test Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 18.30-21.30h.
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