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Updated by ams_hemelse on 08/30/07 00:00
in  Eating Out  
Hemelse Modder<br>Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Oude Waal 9 Amsterdam, The Netherlands 1011

Kitchen open from 18-22h. Specialized in fish, meat and vegetarian food.

Contact: E-Mail
Internet: Website
Open: open from 18h.
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Updated by ams_mankind on 08/29/07 00:00
Mankind<br>Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Weteringstraat 60 Amsterdam, The Netherlands 1017
Close by the Rijksmuseum, and the Antiques Quarter around the Spiegelgracht is only a few blocks away. This café is secluded beside the slow-moving waters of the Lijnbaansgracht. Mankind possesses its own canal-side terrace, patio and landing...
Contact: E-Mail
Internet: Website
Open: Mon-Sat 12-24h
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